Saturday, March 28, 2015

Week 8

This was the last full of week of no shopping. Personally I'm glad it's coming to a close. I technically bought some items this week but it was out of necessity. 

The first item I bought was a present for my friend. Her birthday is April 4th and I had to get her a gift. I can't say what it is in case she reads this, but I'm super excited to give it to her. I love buying presents for people.

The second thing I bought was a last second bridesmaid dress. The wedding is April 4th, and I bought a dress in January. Well this week I was trying it on to get some alterations and it just wasn't going to work. So I had to run to Macy's and pick out a new dress in a similar color. 

Other than those two things, I successful avoiding buying something this week. 


  1. The present is so cute your roommate is going to love it!

  2. I too love buying presents for people, it's exciting to pick out things for someone else sometimes.
    Glad you found another dress that will work for the wedding, that is definitely something you had to buy, especially seeing as it is so close.

  3. At least you broke the rules unselfishly! Friends deserve presents and pretty bridesmaid dresses at their weddings.

  4. I don't think buying a bridesmaid dress and a present for a friend should count! Good job this month!
