Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 9

This week was the first week I could buy clothing and I didn't buy anything! Honestly it was such a busy week that I didn't even have time to shop.

I did receive a gift this week. For Easter my mom bought me a pair of earrings from Kohl's.

This coming week I should have more time to shop.. At least I hope I do. 


  1. I too did not buy anything this week! School is taking up way too much of my time, I hope next week I will have more time at least browse some stores.
    Also, cute earrings They are very "springy"!

  2. Those earrings are so cute! I haven't had time to shop either, but I guess this is a good thing because then we will be saving more money for future purchases. I am hoping this week we will have more time to shop and less homework to do.

  3. Those are so cute!! I agree, we have just been too busy to shop lately!

  4. I love those earrings! It's good that you've been busy and had time to shop! That probably saves you money. Now you can buy something extra special for the summer :)
